Category: Uncategorized
Hannah Marie – Ten tips for a better work-life balance
November 11, 2024 · Hannah Marie C. Quilaton Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam blandit rutrum nibh, in interdum leo lobortis ac. Vestibulum ultrices augue vel dolor facilisis interdum. Nullam lectus nisl, iaculis vel magna vitae, bibendum ultricies arcu. Step away from the email Earlier this year, a report circulated that a…
Shane Jade – Ten tips for a better work-life balance
5. Forget about perfection The injunction to put work away for the day sounds fine, but hold on. It’s surely not as simple as that. As you leave work, you realise you haven’t done something as well as you could. You turn on your heel and go back to do it right. Is that so…
Aaron – Ten tips for a better work-life balance
Finding a good work-life balance starts with understanding what truly matters and making time for it. In this post, we’ll share ten tips to help you set boundaries, manage your time, and prioritize what’s important, so you can create a healthier balance between work and life. 1. Step away from the email Earlier this year,…
Vincent – Ten tips for a better work-life balance
A balanced lifestyle is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. When you achieve a healthy work-life balance, you can better manage stress and reduce the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as heart disease, anxiety, and depression. 1. Step away from the email Earlier this year, a report circulated that a French law…
Allen Marlouise Basco – Ten tips for a better work-life balance
Ten tips for a better work-life balance 1. Step away from the email 2. Just say no! 3. Work Smarter, Not Harder There is a body of opinion that you should work more and sleep less. It often takes Margaret Thatcher as a role model: she only needed four hours sleep and look what she…
Dainah Claire — Ten Tips for a better work-life balance
1. Step away from the email Earlier this year, a report circulated that a French law banned employees from checking work emails after 6pm. It wasn’t true but fitted with our notion of the French as a nation of slackers favouring long lunches, five-day weekends and plenty of slap and tickle while les rosbifs carried…
Renato Angelo B. Davis – Ten tips for a better work-life balance
In today’s fast-paced world, balancing work and life can be a challenge. However, with the right strategies, you can create a healthier balance that leads to increased productivity and personal happiness. Here are 10 tips to help you achieve that balance. 1. Step Away From The Email Earlier this year, a report circulated that a…
Lovely Anne – Ten tips for a better work-life balance
Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create. Set clear boundaries, prioritize your well-being, and make time for what truly matters—both in work and in life. Here are some steps to help you: 2. Just say no If you’re available 24/7 to your boss’s – with all due respect – increasingly loopy and…
Eman Joseph M. Barcela – Ten tips for a better work-life balance
“Achieving a work-life balance means effectively managing your time and energy so that your professional responsibilities do not overwhelm your personal life, allowing you to maintain physical and mental well-being, nurture relationships, pursue hobbies, and enjoy relaxation, all while fulfilling your career go Here are some tips that can help you: 1. Step away from…